I AM (T)HERE is a scenic research on the relation between voice and body. Breaking apart from the classical music tradition in which the body is only a physical support for the voice, we explore new ways of interaction between both while developing new formal and semantic horizons. With identity –and its continuous construction- as dramaturgical background this piece incarnates a body trapped between two different dynamics: voice and movement evolve and change into opposite directions creating a body in tension, an individual in conflict with its own identity.
Creation and direction: Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou
Performers: Pere Jou and Aurora Bauzà
Musical composition: Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou
External eye: Alessandro Sciarroni
Duration 25 minutes
In collaboration and supported by
Villa Nappi (Italy), Graner Barcelona, Can Gassol Mataró, Festival OFF Liceu 2019, Festival Escena Poblenou and La Lleialtat Santsenca.